The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

A lot has happened in the past 15 years! I became engaged during my senior year at Penn State and married the year after graduation. My husband is a 1990 PSU grad, so we are a Penn State Family through and through! Two years after we married, we had our first child, Kyra, now 12 years old. Two years after that, we decided that we wanted more children, but I had always wanted to adopt internationally, so that was the avenue we pursued for our next 3 children. Our oldest son, Joshua, now 10, was adopted from Russia when he was an infant. I returned to school and earned a second degree in Information Science and worked at Alcoa as a Systems Analyst for a few years. In 2003, we decided that we wanted to adopt a daughter, and in 2004 we adopted our youngest daughter, Sabrina, now 6, from China. At that point, I quit my job to stay home with the kids, and I have been a stay at home mom ever since. In 2006 we adopted our youngest son, Tyler, now 5, from China. Our lives are very busy with 4 kids, 2 dogs, a cat, a pet rabbit and yes, even a pet snake. My children are all healthy and happy and doing very well in school and their extracurricular activities. My husband is a successful Financial Planner at Wells Fargo Investments and I am very busy with the kids. Things are going great! But we'll always miss good 'ol Penn State and cherish the memories of our time there!